So let’s release the guilt, allow ourselves to feel, and support each other through our healing
— Ariana

hey there!

my name is Ariana and I am so glad that you are here. I hope that this is a place you come and feel encouraged, inspired, and a little less alone. I am a momma of twins boys & a baby girl, I’m a wife, a woman, and there’s a whole lot of a whole lot wrapped up into that— but it’s a beautiful journey that’s all the more beautiful when we share it with each other. So that’s why I’m here— to share, and I hope you will too. Remember, you are not alone, you are enough. Remember to be gracious to yourself & do all things in love.

— Ariana xo

Preparing For Birth - The Second Time
Ariana Christie Ariana Christie

Preparing For Birth - The Second Time

My first birth was quite traumatic, and preparing for a second birth after that comes with so many mixed emotions.

I wanted to be sure that I was supported, educated, and able to advocate for myself this time around. Here is a list of things that I am doing in order to prepare for birth, the second time around.

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide!
Ariana Christie Ariana Christie

Mother’s Day Gift Guide!

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and in my opinion, it is one of the most special holidays!

It’s a day to celebrate and honour all of the hard work a mother does each and every day. These things can so quickly get missed, so a day to celebrate all of the things a mother does is so very important.

I remember my first Mother’s Day. I felt SO special. It was more important to me than my birthday, so I am so excited to share with you some of my favourite gift items for all moms this Mother’s Day.

(Moms, share this with your significant other, I’m sure they’ll be thankful for a bit of guidance!)

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5 Tips for Travelling with Toddlers
Ariana Christie Ariana Christie

5 Tips for Travelling with Toddlers

Travelling with babies or toddlers can be nerve wracking and stressful, but there are many things you can do to make things just a tad bit easier! Here are 5 tips that I found helpful for travelling with our twin 14 month olds!

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Our Birth Story
Ariana Christie Ariana Christie

Our Birth Story

Writing about our birth story is not something I ever really thought about doing. Reflecting back now, when I was pregnant with the twins, I searched and searched for information about twin pregnancy and delivery to help me understand more about the experience. So here I am, sharing both for selfish reasons (I think its super therapeutic to tell your birth story and relive those moments—as I have done multiple times with my therapist) and to help support anyone out there who is wanting to know what other people have experienced.

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Holiday Gift Guide - for babies
Ariana Christie Ariana Christie

Holiday Gift Guide - for babies

The holidays are quickly approaching and we are getting a head start on shopping for our little ones.

Here are some of our favourite items for gifts for the little ones in your life this holiday season!

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