
I hear people talk about mom guilt often, and this year poses a new kind of guilt.

This pandemic has been difficult in many ways for so many people. Recently, the guilt is what has been hitting me the hardest.

I feel guilty that some of my family members and closest friends haven’t been able to meet our babies. I feel guilty that our babies haven’t been able to socialize with other babies. I feel guilty that my family is missing out on things to stay safe for when they see us. I feel guilty that the decisions I make impact so many.

My number one priority is the safety of our babies and I know that I am one protective mama, but the guilt associated is so difficult.

Saying no to people when they ask to come inside our home or hold the babies doesn’t feel good! In fact, I would love to have more people be able to come and help out and experience our twins. It is hard enough to be a parent, especially new parents, in a pandemic, but what we sometimes forget is all of the underlying emotions that come along.

It’s been a hard few months but I am choosing to be happy knowing that the decisions I am making are for the healthy of our babies. I am giving myself grace and compassion to know that things are not easy in this season. And I am choosing to remember that things will get better.

Do what feels best for you and remember that a mama’s intuition is strong. Trust your gut and let’s support each other.


babies in a pandemic…


travelling with babies!